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Frequently Asked Questions


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What Will Happen To My Current Registration Plate?

When purchasing a personalised registration plate, once this is transferred to your vehicle and all documentation is complete from the DVLA your current registration becomes void. If you want to keep your present registration, you will have to pay the Department For Transport fee to retain it.

We have found when you eventually remove your new registration from your car, for example, if you are selling your car, the old registration, in most cases, is reissued to the car.

Why Are Some Of The Prices Subject To VAT?

Some price number plates listed on our site have additional VAT because they are owned by a company or individual who is VAT registered and also purchased the plate through our company. If the registration is owned by us, RegHunters.co.uk or if of Government Issue, VAT will on some occasions be issued.

Registrations that are not subject to VAT are those being sold on behalf of a third party, which are not owned by RegHunters.co.uk

My Car Windows Are Etched. Does This Affect My Chance of Being Reissued With The Number Plate Presently Showing On My Vehicle, When I Transfer My Private Plate?

You are able to request your old number plate to be reassigned to your car, only if the windows of this vehicle are etched with the mark. The DVLA may call for your vehicle to be inspected to verify your claim. There are no guarantees that the governing bodies will re-issue the mark, but in our experience, it is highly likely.

What Happens To My Payment If I Change My Mind Before The Transfer Has Been Completed and I No Longer Want The Registrations I Have Agreed To Purchase?

At RegHunters, we expect all purchase agreements to be honoured, just as you would expect us to honour our terms of business. However, we do recognise that situations may change, and you may no longer require your private plate. We recommend you complete the purchase and contact our team to advertise and sell your personalised plate on your behalf after full payment has been received.

Our private plates are non-refundable, as set out in our terms and conditions. But we are happy to sell your plate once full payment is received and all paperwork is complete.

Can I Pay Using Methods Other Than Credit or Debit Card?

We accept most major credit and debit (except Amex), however, you will save on the 2.5% +vat credit card processing fee when using your bank debit card. You can also pay via Cheque, the easiest way for you to pay is through our online payment facility. We also offer many finance options if you can not afford the plate in full (subject to credit checks).

I Paid Part Payment By Credit Card and Now I Wish To Pay The Rest By Credit Card Also, Is This Okay?

Yes, you may pay the remainder of your outstanding balance by credit card. However, we will charge an additional fee, dependent on how much the transaction is.

There are many options, like debit cards such as Switch, which do not incur an additional handling charge.

What Do DVLA and DOT Stand For?

DVLA - Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

DOT - Department of Transportation

How Can I Find Out About The Status Of My Transfer?

The easiest way to stay up-to-date on the status of your transfer is by contacting us during our office hours for a progress report.

Who Provides The Acrylic Plate?

We provide you with private acrylic plates at competitive prices.

How Long Will My Transfer Take?

On average, registration transfers take two to three weeks. But our team at RegHunters endeavours to ensure every transfer is completed as quickly as possible. However, we will need you to help us, we can not start the process until we have received all of the required documents. Once all documents are received and passed over to DOT, your plate transfer should run as smoothly as possible.

What Happens If I Need To Tax or MOT My Vehicle Whilst The Transfer Is Being Processed?

There are no problems if your vehicle needs to be Taxed or MOT.

In the case of taxing your vehicle, you simply send the appropriate fee with a V10 form to us, ensuring that you state the old registration number on the application form. We will then take care of this for you.

In the case of the new MOT, you must ensure the garage which MOTs the vehicle does it under the old mark. The DVLA’s system will update this automatically once complete.

Is It Possible To Transfer A Mark To A Vehicle With A “Q” Mark?

Under current law, it is not possible to transfer private number plates to ‘Q Plate” cars.

Do I Have To Keep The Registration On My Vehicle For A Certain Time Before I Can Transfer It Again?

There are no time restrictions for transferring your number plate, this is something that can be easily done. Please note that you may not re-advertise / sell your plate with RegHunters.co.uk until the transaction is complete and full payment is received.

If The Recipient Already Has A Mark, Can I Transfer Both At The Same Time?

Yes, this is called a double transfer. It poses no problem for the team at RegHunter, but you shall need to immediately supply all documents of the third vehicle involved. An extra cheque of £80 payable to the Department of Transport is required.

If no third vehicle is involved, then the mark can be retained on a Department of Transport retention certificate in accordance with governing regulations. The current fee for this is £80.

What Will Happen If My Vehicle Is Scrapped?

When a vehicle is scrapped and ceases to exist, its registration number is cancelled. You will no longer be able to transfer its registration number. The person who breaks up or destroys the vehicle must notify the governing bodies that the vehicle has been scrapped and return the V5 registration document.

Are There Any Restrictions On My Choice of Number Plate?

The number one rule is you can’t make your vehicle look newer than it is. For example, you can not put a 60 plate on a car that was made before September 2010. You can also not put a Y registration plate on a T-registered vehicle, but you can choose any prefix from A to T.

Each registration comes with an issue date, which you must check to ensure your vehicle is not appearing newer than it is.

What Happens If I’m Buying A Personalised Registration Plate As A Gift Or On Behalf Of Someone Else?

If you are purchasing a DVLA personalised number plate for, or on behalf of another person, you will be recorded as the purchaser and the person for whom the registration has been brought for will be recorded as the nominee. The registration mark can then be used on a vehicle registered in your name, or that of the nominee.

If you are purchasing a plate on behalf of a company, the company’s name will be recorded as the purchaser.

What Happens Once I Have Purchased A Personalised Number Plate For RegHunters?

Once your purchase from RegHunters is complete, we will send you a Certificate of Entitlement (V750). Keep this safe; this is the form you will need when you are ready to put your personalised registration onto your vehicle.

Do I Have To Put The Registration Straight Onto A Vehicle?

No, your new registration does not need to go straight onto a vehicle. You have until the expiry date shown on your V750 to put the plate onto a vehicle. If you are still not ready before the expiry date printed on your certificate of entitlement, then you can extend the period for a further 10 years. To do this, please call one of our agents to discuss further. This must be completed within 28 days of the expiry date.

How Do I Add or Change The Nominee Details On My Certificate of Entitlement (V750)?

Call one of our advisors on 01952 588888, who will arrange this for you.

How Do I Change My Address On My Certificate of Entitlement (V750)?

Changing your address can be arranged online via the DVLA, as long as this is done at least 5 days before the expiry date of the certificate. Please note, this will also change the address on your online account.

Alternatively, you can complete section 4 of the Certificate of Entitlement (V750) and return it to the following address. Please allow up to 15 days for completion.

DVLA Personalised Registrations,
SA99 1DN

How Do I Extend My Entitlement Period?

Call one of our advisors on 01952 588888, who will arrange this for you.

If I Decide To Give Up The Right To The Registration Mark, Can I Apply For A Refund of The £80 Assignment Fee?

You may only request a refund if you purchased the mark after May 1st 1993 and it has never been put onto a vehicle. This is also only possible if the expiry date shown on your Certificate of Entitlement (V750) has passed and within 6 years of this date.

To do this, you must complete sections 5 and 6 on your certificate and return it to:
DVLA Personalised Registrations,
SA99 1DN

Once this is complete, you will no longer be entitled to the registration mark.

How Do I Check The Validity of A Certificate of Entitlement (V750)?

The DVLA now have an online facility where you can check this. All you will need is the registration number and certificate number to be able to check the validity.

How Can I Put My Registration On Hold When I Decide To Sell My Car?

You will need to compare a V317 application to transfer or retain a vehicle registration number. This currently costs £80.

I Have Seen My Own Registration Number Being Offered For Sale and Do Not Recall Giving Authority, Why Is This?

RegHunters produce details of many number plates that are available Nationwide. In addition to selling our own stock items, we also hold many public commissions and the stock and commissions of many other dealers throughout the United Kingdom. Occasionally, records are miss-typed and appear as an alternative combination that is in fact not for sale. There is also circumstances where recently purchased plates are still on our database due to the donor failing to advise us of the sale and subsequent non-availability.

If you have seen your number plate listed on our site and wish for us to remove it from the website place send us an email to (insert email) specifying the registration in question, and the validation character off of your V5 (log book) for confirmation.

What Is A Registration Number and Who Has Entitlement To It?

Registration numbers are not items of property in their own right. They are assigned and may be withdrawn by the Secretary of State as part of the basic registration and licensing process required by law. The registration number is a unique means of identifying a vehicle, primarily for taxation and law enforcement purposes. It is assigned to a specific vehicle rather than its keeper. Unless it is transferred or retained, the registration number will stay with a specific vehicle until it is broken up, destroyed, or sent permanently out of the country. An individual acquires entitlement to a registration number when he or she becomes the registered keeper of the vehicle. When the vehicle is sold, the entitlement to the registration number is automatically transferred to the new registered keeper.

How Do I Get A Specific Number Plate Released If It Has Never Been Issued?

There are no guarantees of getting any registration number issued that does not currently exist. Some marks may not be issued because they are considered offensive, others never made it to issue over the years. If you have a specific combination you would like to acquire, please contact us and we will see what we can do for you.

There are no guarantees of getting any registration number issued that does not currently exist. Some marks may not be issued because they are considered offensive, others never made it to issue over the years. If you have a specific combination you would like to acquire, please contact us and we will see what we can do for you.

Entitlement to a number is effectively the right of the registered keeper of a vehicle to apply to have the number transferred to another vehicle (either their own or someone else’s). The keeper is also able to apply to have the number put on retention, meaning it is being taken off of a vehicle and on hold pending re-assignment to another vehicle. It is important to note, the keep may apply for this, but the application will only be granted if all the conditions relating to the retention and transfer facilities are satisfied.

Your entitlement to the number plate ceases when you no longer have the vehicle which displays the play, for example, if it is scrapped, broken up, destroyed, exported, or in someone else’s ownership.

What If My Vehicle Is Stolen And Not Recovered?

If your vehicle is stolen and has not been recovered after a year, you can apply to have its registration number re-assigned to your replacement vehicle providing certain conditions are met. In order to qualify for the concession, the theft must have been notified to the police and recorded at DVLA as stolen for not less than 12 months. In addition, at the time of the theft, the vehicle must have had a current test pass certificate (MOT) and be taxed. The agency also requires a letter from your insurers confirming they have no objection to the number being reissued. This must be provided as once insurers have settled your claim, they have a right to claim the vehicle should it be recovered.

To apply for further information, write a letter to the following address quoting the registration number.

Cherished Transfer Section, D13, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre, Swansea, SA6 7JL.

Are There Any Special Rules For Motorcycles or Mopeds?

There are currently no special rules for Motorcycles or Mopeds. They can participate freely, provided the normal requirements of the number transfer facility are met.

What Happens To My Registration Number If I Export My Vehicle?

If you are taking your vehicle abroad for more than 12 months, you are legally obliged to notify the governing bodies. More information can be found in leaflet V100.

Securing your registration depends on the circumstances. For example, if you are selling your vehicle overseas, you must either transfer or retain the number before you part with the vehicle. If you are going overseas for a few years, but intend to bring the vehicle back when you return. It is not essential to transfer and retain the number. As most vehicles return to the UK from overseas their GB registration number and able to be picked up. As long as you are able to provide documentary evidence to link the vehicle and the number.

The best course of action if to contact Customer Enquires at DVLA well in advance of the planned date of export. You can write to them at Customer Enquiries (Vehicles) at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Swansea, SA99 1BL.

Please Note - If you wish to transfer or retain your number, you must do so before the vehicle leaves Great Britain - you can not apply once your vehicle is out of the country.

I Have An Old Vehicle Which Is Not Registered At DVLA. Can I Register The Vehicle And Transfer or Retain Its Registration Number?

You will be able to register the vehicle at DVLA, but it will not be possible for you to transfer or retain its registration number.

What Are The Basic Regulations Surrounding Transfers?

There are many regulations surrounding transfers of registration marks, you can read more about them here.

Do You Own All The Registrations You Are Selling?

No, we do not. Whilst we do have a large number of stock registrations, a lot of those listed on our site come from individuals who are looking to transfer the registrations off of their own vehicles. We also offer a vast range of unissued Government stock.

I’ve Received My Tax Disc and MOT, but not my V5 (log book), Where Is It?

After your transfer is complete, the V5 log book is sent to the DVLA in Swansea for the necessary amendments to be made. This can take up to several weeks after the transfer is completed. You can use your new plates as soon as you receive the new V5 log book bearing the new registration.

I’ve Allowed My Certificate of Entitlement To Expire, What Do I Do Now?

Once the certificate of entitlement has expired, it is very difficult to get it renewed. If it is in your own name, then you have to send it to the DVLA in Swansea, along with a note giving an excellent reason for why it has expired. Late extensions are accepted in some circumstances, but each case is judged individually by the DVLA, their decision is always final.

I Have Been Told That The Donor Vehicle Has Been Called In For An Inspection, What Does This Mean?

An inspection is simply where the DVLA check that the donor car is using the plates legally. They do this by comparing the car chassis number with its log book. Whilst these checks do not happen regularly, they will slow down the transfer process by at least a week. This is primarily done for the safety of the person buying the plates. If it turns out the vehicle is stolen the DVLA can take the registration back, even after the transfer is completed.

I Have Had Plates Made Up, But Have Been Informed That The Transfer Is No Longer Going Ahead. Will You Compensate Me?

No, as stated in all our paperwork, we do not offer compensation. You should not have any plates made until after you have received your new V5 log book from the DVLA showing the new registration.

I Cannot Find The Registration I Want On Your Website, Can You Find Out Who Owns It?

Unfortunately not. The only people who have access to that information are the Police and DVLA. Neither of them will divulge it as it is covered by the Data Protection Act.

The only way you can find the owner, is if you happen to spot the car on the road.

I Know I Can’t Put A Plate On A Car To Make It Appear Newer, But What About Irish Marks?

Irish registrations are effectively dateless. They can go onto a vehicle of any age, making them an easy and attractive way to hide the age of your car.

I’ve Brought A Registration From You, But It Is Still Appearing On Your Website. Why Is This?

Unfortunately, it is unfeasible for us to update our website as soon as a plate is sold. Therefore in a lot of cases, plates appear on our site that have already gone. In these cases, the plates are not available and will not be sold again. If you are worried about this, you can give us a call, and we will manually update the record on our database.

I’ve Sold My Registration Elsewhere That I Advertised On Your Site, But It Is Still Showing As Available, What Should I Do?

If you sell your registration elsewhere, let us know as soon as possible by contacting us via phone, email or letter. We will then remove your plate from our site.

I Am Looking To Sell My Registration But Don’t Know What It Is Worth, Can You Help?

You can find out the value of your registration plate by completing our online and free, no-obligation valuation checker.

We will then tell you how much we believe the plate is worth. Please Note, we will put your details into our database and keep a record of the registrations to assist us in answering any future questions. If you wish to be removed, please contact us and we will be happy to oblige.

You Have Sent Me A Quote For A Plate, But I Don’t Agree With Your Valuation, What Should I Do?

Simply inform us via phone or email, letting us know the new price you would ideally like for your registration.

Please remember, we have years of experience within this business, and always give out realistic quotes which we know will sell fast. Whilst a plate may be worth thousands to the right person, it is more likely to sell at a slightly lower price as it will appeal to more people.

If you feel we have quoted too highly and are after a faster sale, feel free to change the amount by as much as you like.

If you feel we have quoted too highly and are after a faster sale, feel free to change the amount by as much as you like.

If your valuation was issued online, you can follow the instructions within the valuation email and tailor your quote to your liking.

I’ve Sold My Plate Through RegHunters, When Will I Get Paid?

There are many different types of transfers, and you will receive your payment when appropriate evidence of the transfer completion becomes available.

If your registration is being transferred from your vehicle to the purchaser’s vehicle. Transfer completion is recognised when the DVLA has concluded the re-registration if your vehicle. RegHunter will release your funds when a photocopy or high-quality scan of your vehicle's logbook or V5 is received from you.

If your registration mark is held on a certificate, you will receive full payment when the registration mark has been assigned to the purchaser’s vehicle. And we have received sufficient evidence of this from the DVLA.

Where purchasers do not wish to transfer the registration number to a vehicle but prefer to hold on a certificate, payment will be made on RegHunters has received the modified certificate of entitlement (V750) or, if transferred off your vehicle, the retention certificate (V788).

Please Note, where applicable, you should not dispose of your vehicle until the transfer process is complete as the rights to the registration mark may be lost.

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